(dustless shot blast logo) JSC - Since 1981, 1 (800) DUST OUT Jim Sander Company: over 25 million square feet of concrete cleaned
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Lic. #655846
(619) 659-1051
San Diego, California

Cold milling
Our dustless cold milling planer with its razor-sharp tungsten carbide cutters powered at 500 rpm's is capable of grinding 3" off of 3,000 PSI concrete in one pass! For those jobs requiring more precision the planer can be configured to accurately remove from 1/16" to 3/4" of asphalt, concrete, epoxies...you name it. Our planer is ideal for traffic line removal as well as for milling цветы в Орле, grooving, and leveling for better drainage and safety. Call for our hourly rate and a telephone estimate. Scroll to photos below...

flooring removal
dustless shot blasting
dustless diamond grinding
bobcat hard demolition
All JSC technicians go through 60 hrs. of rigorous safety training per year.
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...for a list of all our services!

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Call us if you need a dustless set up!
For this stripe removal job cutters removed the гипсофилы в Омске in a dustless set up.  

...and the results - ready for new striping.

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Jim supervises the milling.
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The "Jiminator".


The milling "waste" is siphoned to 2 sealed drums located in truck.

Cold milling concrete near the San Diego Convention Center.
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Jim Sander Company copyright © 2001
Last updated 23 May 2002